Expand description

Authenticated encryption functions

Implements libsodium’s secret-key authenticated crypto boxes.

For details, refer to libsodium docs.

Classic API example

use dryoc::classic::crypto_secretbox::{
    crypto_secretbox_easy, crypto_secretbox_keygen, crypto_secretbox_open_easy, Key, Nonce,
use dryoc::rng::randombytes_buf;
use dryoc::types::*;

let key: Key = crypto_secretbox_keygen();
let nonce = Nonce::gen();

let message = "I Love Doge!";

// Encrypt
let mut ciphertext = vec![0u8; message.len() + CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_MACBYTES];
crypto_secretbox_easy(&mut ciphertext, message.as_bytes(), &nonce, &key)
    .expect("encrypt failed");

// Decrypt
let mut decrypted = vec![0u8; ciphertext.len() - CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_MACBYTES];
crypto_secretbox_open_easy(&mut decrypted, &ciphertext, &nonce, &key).expect("decrypt failed");

assert_eq!(decrypted, message.as_bytes());


Encrypts message with nonce and key.
Encrypts message with nonce and key in-place, without allocating additional memory for the ciphertext.
Generates a random key using copy_randombytes.
Decrypts ciphertext with nonce and key.
Decrypts ciphertext with nonce and key in-place, without allocating additional memory for the message.

Type Definitions

Key (or secret) for secret key authenticated boxes.
Secret box message authentication code.
Nonce for secret key authenticated boxes.